Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Ben the Foreman

This is Ben in his foreman's chair, he drags it over and plonks himself in it every chance he can get to supervise the builders.

The bricks arrived the other day. 4,000 bricks were sitting in pallets up and down the street, the next day the crane arrived and lifted them down the hill. I think Isabella and Ben screamed from excitement, when they saw the big crane. The novelty wore off pretty quickly for Bellsy, but Ben sat in his supervisor's chair for about 90 minutes and didn't really move...boys and toys!!!
We were lying in bed at about 6.30a yesterday and there was all noise and action coming from the block. The brickies arrived. These guys don't mess around, they were straight into it and worked most of the day.

They had to stop when they reached door & window height, as we are still waiting for replacement sliding doors for the back bedrooms. An error which I think has cost us about 3 weeks.

At least we have action again and hopefully in the next few days the brickwork will be up to the first floor and we will have half a house (and half a mortgage!)

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