Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Looks Like A Different Block Now

At almost a month since our last post, both a lot and not much have happened at the same time.
The brickwork has been completed around the bottom floor, the front wall has been water-proofed, the water tanks have arrived, the floor joists and floor have been installed, and just yesterday, a whole bunch of fill was delivered to level up the front of the block.
The top storey frames and the roof trusses should have already been on by now, but between a heap of rain, and getting stuffed around on fill, they are not.
The frames will hopefully be up by Christmas, and the garage slab should be being poured today (we will see about that when I get home).
It should be quite an exciting start to the year for us as the builder has promised that his people will be getting stuck in to make up for lost time...very frustrating!!!
If I don't post in the next week, we hope that you all have a great Christmas and a safe new year.